Surgery Equipment

Surgery Equipment

We completed turnkey of a cavity; the doctor hand wash Units, pedestrian doors, anti-static, Conductive floor coverings, Epoxy wall coatings Decorative, Patterned, Hygienic laminar flow Vented Unit IP65 Luminaires, operating room control panels, pendant, arms, Surgery tables and lamps.

Use in the operating room, in addition to the single unit that can provide services in the following manner on many cabinets are manufactured of stainless steel technical:

  • Clock/stopwatch
  • Temperature and humidity controls
  • Room pressure controls
  • Room lighting
  • Music broadcast system
  • Negatoskop
  • Katgutluk
  • Electrical and medical gas installations
  • Surgical lights controls
  • Racks work
  • Drawers
  • Lidded compartments

р-н. Шохмансур, ул. С. Айни 42
Блок 5, г. Душанбе, Таджикистан

992 933 26 30 26