Hospital Project Consultancy

Hospital Project Consultancy

ReaniMed hospital in the project planning phase of the architectural project from the owner of the hospital in line with the demands of the suitability of the premises, ergonomics, function, and patient Traffic Control, Project control electrical and mechanical, medical equipment selection, purchase and installation during different stages of a consulting role.

ReaniMed the project on schedule and ensures coordination between the Contractor and subcontractors for completion of the business compliance with medical standards and technical controls.

The location of the hospital and the patient depending on the number of technical units, operating rooms, intensive care, clinics and outpatient services planning, with the identification of the equipment required for these services, considering the physical requirements and dimensions of the equipment, functional plans to adopt final settlement of the plan, and the measurement of the spaces provided.

In each section that should be included in the hospital or other medical appliance, furniture, and Miscellaneous equipment lists are prepared on the basis of Mahal.

The owner in the selection of the device to be determined in conjunction with the quality/price catalog and brochures are compiled according to the criteria. The goal here is to supply the provision of the requested quality at the best price to minimize the amount of equipment and investment.


р-н. Шохмансур, ул. С. Айни 42
Блок 5, г. Душанбе, Таджикистан

992 933 26 30 26